Crushers is a competitive travel team designed for Cabrillo Gals that would like to further their softball skills and play at the next level.
Teams are formed for the 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U divisions. Tryouts are open to anyone that participated in the rec season for the current year. The Crushers Summer season runs from mid-May through July with practices two to three times a week and participating in four to six tournaments throughout the season. There is travel involved; mostly throughout the Bay Area, but the older divisions have also competed in tournaments ranging from Lake Tahoe to Oregon. Your player must be fully committed and able to attend all practices and tournaments. Parent involvement is also crucial in supporting the tournament that we host, Blast by the Bay.
To be eligible for Summer Crushers, you must attend tryouts which typically take place the last weekend of April.
Fall Crushers is the start of a new season, and is open to anyone interested. Fall Crushers typically has practices 2-3 times a week, and usually has 4 tournaments. To be eligible for Fall Crushers, you must attend tryouts in July.
Fall team tryouts are July 20, 2024. More information here!
Additional Information
- Tryouts consist of fielding ground balls, throwing, fly balls, and hitting. Pitching and catching is also evaluated for those interested.
- Full commitment is required for all practices and tournaments. It is the coach’s expectation that family vacations will be taken after the tournament season is over. If your daughter is playing another competitive and/or travel sport, she may have to choose between the two if schedules conflict.
- Our league hosts a tournament each year, Blast by the Bay, which is typically held within the first couple of weeks of July. This tournament is managed by the board and ALL Crushers families. It is a requirement for every Crushers family to volunteer during the weekend.
- Teams are selected by the coaching staff with approval from the Crushers Coordinator. The basis of team selection process includes performance and try out, observation of league play, past Crusher’s performance, coach recommendations along with player and parent attitudes.
- Depending on the number of players that tryout there could be cuts. Each team typically carries 12 – 14 players.
- The cost of the comp seasons ranges from $300 - $500 per player. Travel costs will be additional and vary depending on where tournaments are played.
- The travel ball season typically runs from mid-May to the end of July. Practicing three times a week, with 4-6 tournaments over the course of these 2+ months.
- Most tournaments are within the Bay Area, with each team usually scheduling at least one overnight tournament. Overnight tournaments have been in locations such as Sunnyvale, Napa, Tahoe, Morro Bay, etc.
- A typical tournament will consist of Saturday “pool” play and teams will be seeded for Sunday. Who we play and time of games for Sunday will be determined by this seeding. Sunday is usually single elimination and will vary from one to four games.
- A tournament will usually result in 4 to 6 games a weekend. In addition to the number of games your daughter will play, she will be with experienced coaches who continually work on mechanics, coverages, and strategic play. In this atmosphere, your daughter will no doubt perform at a higher level, which will be evident in her level of play the following year.
If you would like to learn more about our Crushers program, please contact our coordinator at [email protected]